15 decembrie 2009

letter to Santa

dear Santa,

I want you to bring me nothing this year. I mean it.

7 decembrie 2009


ma duc in ploiesti. ma intreb cat o sa injur pe acolo...?

apoi in campina. oare acolo cat o sa reusesc sa nu ma enervez...?

1 decembrie 2009

I don't miss missing you

I heard a song while coming back home on the radio and the dj

said the song's name is don't miss missing you. horse piss song,

normal pop/dance song but the title hit me. I get it.

1 Decembrie

fiind ziua nationala a Roamaniei nu imi ramane decat

sa le doresc tuturor romanilor *care merita*, un sincer

la multi ani!

si cand zic care merita nu ma refer la ratalaii aia care merg in spania

sa frece buzile si apoi se intorc in tara cu un volvo si se dau mari ca

vai vezi Doamne cat de domni sunt si bineinteles ca nu am refer la idiotii

care sustin ca romania e naspa cand de fapt ei sunt reprezentantii tarii deci

implicit ei sunt naspa sau la imbecilele alea de la televizor care-s cu attele

afara si nu stiu cat e 2+2x2.

ii 6, nu 8.

24 noiembrie 2009

500 days of summer

I saw the movie. it's not a chick flick and not a cheesy story.

it actually opened my eyes towards some things and yet again

made me sad somehow.

is there true love, like int he movies? should I believe there is?

somewhere, waiting for me? cause I loved but my ending was so far

from a fairytale ending.

that's why you feel bad for a character, when you see it suffer, cause

neither in a movie or a fairytale there are no bad characteristics about

the characters. can't they show the truth? he was great looking, but an

aliterate bastard? she was so neat but her fingers were always dirty?

he said he loved her, but he called his exgirlfriend at 4 a.m to ask her to

go out for a pint.

so, even tho Tom found happiness and re-started believing in true love

that lasts forever and there are no mistakes in a relataionship, I can't really

believe it.

21 noiembrie 2009

tu pizda, eu iti rup gura!

I am a proud 'parent' of two dwarf hamsters and a guinea pig.

they are adorable! just adorable! I love them too much to be true.

well, the thing is that I love animals so much more than people, but

that's a different story.

last weekend I went with 3 people to a hut. another two came after

wards. one of the girls claimed, all of the sudden that all rodents are

the same. that rats, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs are all the same.

she was talking about how disgusting they are and filthy.

me "you are a complete ignorant if you claim such absurd things

(*in my mind* you fucking fucktard!)"

she "I am not. I don;t care, they are all the same. rodents are all

the same. all of the"

me "so well, if they're the same, that means that you, a gipsy and

a prostitute are the same shit, right?"

now, I am looked upon as the tyrant, as the mean bitch that likes to

make people feel bad. well NEWS FLASH! you don't trash my pets

without dealing with the consequences, you cunt! and worst than that,

is that people are actually expecting me to apologize! to apologize! me!


she knew what pets I have but she kept on insulting not only my pets

but all rodents. so why should I feel sorry if she's the retard that can't

listen to calm words, but when she's insulted she feels so harmed?

fraiera dracului...

31 iulie 2009

the code

there is an unwritten code regarding relationships and hook ups.

you never ever (!) date/kiss/fuck/blow/ finger/ a girl or boy that

already did those thing with one of your friends. ever!

a trustworthy person will always understand this!

I forgot?!

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19 iulie 2009

'sorry' won't cut it, bitch!

the events that were presented to me in the last two

months make me so very angry. it's about men with no


I believe, along side of my friend Cherrybomb, that balls

should be earned during a lifetime, not get born with them.

cause let me tell you: there are sooooooooooo many males

out there that you could hardly call them men, but sissy girls.

super pink sissy girls. I see guys grabbing their sack and

sometimes I wonder if they can find something in it.

let us look at The Church. holy place? holy place?! my ass!

the church

is just another way of in-slaving the women. come on, even

when they

are getting married the priest tells the woman "you must

be obedient,

you must respect your man, you must take care of him and

your children,

you must listen to him and support him etcaetera etcaetera"

and do you

know what the priest tells the man? well here you have it

"you must love

your wife". o.O how the hell does that work? I mean, the man

cheats on his

wife and then he just says "it was just sex, it meant nothing,

I love you. you

have to forgive me cause I love you". sex always means

something and if it

doesn't why did you do it? if someone wants to come,

it's so simple to jerk off.

but actually to cheat on your wife or husband when the

woman supports the

house, pays most of the bills, takes care of the children

and the guy is a bartender....

well fuck me with a chainsaw! how come only women can

manage that and men

can't? and don't give me the bullshit with the hunter theory,

cause for hudreds of

years all men and women were pickers. and "hunting" a rabbit

it's not actually a *job of

cohones*. women give birth to children, they can take multiple

surgeries without crying

like sissies, they can live by themselves, they cook better

than man (no matter what any

asshole says), they can go to the dentist without wetting their

pants, all in all they can do

everything and more than a man and wear high hills at the same

time, thank you very much.

and the thing is that men are bitching about women, talking

trash about them. if they cheat, they are sluts, if they cheat,

they are the men and expect to be forgiven? why would

I forgive a guy like that? it's so simple to take for granted...

but at the same time is pathetic! so if you are a strong women

and not a freakin' idiot that never stands her ground, never settle

for anything but perfect for you. there is so much fish in the pond,

so if anything would ever to happen, you end your relationship and

move on. better to be alone than with someone and miserable.

words should never be empty. words are symbols, but unfortunately

nowadays almost everyone uses empty words. definitely listen to

empty words by the band DEATH.

13 aprilie 2009

lovi-te-ar un copac, prosta dracului

ma plimbam linistita cu biciclet, ma bucuram de vantul

care trecea prin parul meu "vâj vâj" cand, in apropierea

parcului central, vad una bucata ratalaie imbracata toata

in verde (cu tot cu ciorapi si pantofi) care a aruncat o bucata

de hartie pe jos. evident, era la un metru departare de un

cos de gunoi. in momentul ala m-am gandit. 'ii fut una in cap

si o pun la respect' dar nu aveam cu ce sa o lovesc, asa ca am

facut un compromis. am pedalat rapid, am luat hartia de pe jos,

am constatat ca era un bilet de autobuz si l-am luat. am pedalat

pana in dreptul ei si i-am zis "asta, se arunca la gunoi' si i-am

aruncat biletul in fata. i-am zis ca-i o taranca proasta fara cea mai mica

urma de educatie si mi-ai continuat drumul.

serios acuma, de ce dracu romanii se plang ca ei nu au guvernatori buni?

cum e poporul asa o sa fie si guvernatorii. degeaba sunt oameni destepti

si educati daca nu reprezinta majoritatea.

21 ianuarie 2009

I am not (always) a hater!

yes well I was walking down the street, quite

tranquil as I was about to meet my man.

tra la la, off I walked alone until! ...... 2 love birds

in front of me. she was fat and he was super skinny.

I thought that was so wicked. there are so many chubby

girls wondering around for a bf, and this one looked happy.

he looked happy with her, to have her. actually... too happy

cause while I was having this moment, this homage to the

fat chicks, I was distracted by the way he, the guy, grabbed

the broads ass! ass is not correct. vagina. he grabbed her vagina

from behind. with an appetite!he threw his hand right in the middle

of her butt cheeks and grabbed her well, to feel her meat! I believe

the girl panicked a bit and immediately turned back. the guy followed

her action. as they looked at me... I throw up *vrum vrum* my vomit

fell down. after I made sure I was good to go and nothing left in my stomacio,

I took out a handkerchief wiped my mouth and went on my way. as I passed

the couple, I said nothing.

yes, they were still in shock.

( I'm not sure why that happened, I have nothing against people like that,

I think big girls are great an have a certain charm, that skinny stupid broads

don't. it shall remain a mystery)

8 ianuarie 2009

save african kids... my bloody ass

I never really got those messages that promote saving

the lives of others. may they be from the third world, rich

or poor countries, mental ill etc etc. people die. children,

grownups, grandparents, daughters and so on. it is indeed

sad. more than sad. yet all of this is advertising.

broads feel smart when they watch on youtube some

bollocks bullshit video about kids in africa and they

send it to all their Y. list without actually knowing

anything about the continent or they don't actually

believe in "saving the planet", pop stars go nuts with their

adopting wishes... it's just like those fucking hippies. they

wanted to save the earth but in the end they had sex on

open fields and smoke the ganja.

animals die, people die. everyone goes extinct, like it

or not.

why not die today? tomorrow might be worst