24 ianuarie 2011

cookig. dishes

I never thought cooking is hard. I still don't. well, at least for people that know how to read. with all the technology today, all you have to do is go online and search for a recipe. follow the instruction, and if the stuff you put in are good, the result cannot be bad. maybe the shape won't be perfect, or the color, but you can't make something bad from goodies.

all I had to do is temper a cabbage and afterwards mix it with some fusilli. first thing first, I had to chop the cabbage in beautiful thing stripes, but because I have a kitchen robot, I said I'll use it. I don't know why I couldn't fix the plastic top, or however is called, to the whole mechanism... and so, I started swearing like a motherfucker. all I could think was about my upcoming exam and how instead of studying, I was cooking.

after I finished practicing my french on the kitchen robot, I took out a knife and started chopping the cabbage very nicely. I was surprised how easy it went.

you see now, cooking is fine. it's the dishes. I hate them. I don't want to wash them, yellow rubber gloves don't help much. I don't know... I just hate dishes, but I always do them.

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