30 noiembrie 2008

if you'd like to discuss this further, we can take it outside

sometimes you just can't change what's in the pas. it's

bloody frustrating, but the truth is that you can't. so,

when I can't do things that make me feel good and jelly

with myself, anger takes over me. you see now, there are

two such people that make me pulse grow. there is this

broad that thinks everything belongs to her. talk about

opinion, truth, orders etc etc. I never said a thing cause

she's friends with my guy but no more. fuck her!

and then there is my cousin's gf that laughed at my uncle

and grandma's funeral. she fuckin laughed. right next to me

my cousin never talks to me cause he is so so busy doing

nothing whatsoever. but guess what?! he actually called

me to ask if I have a book. I knew it was for that CUNT

but I asked "pt prietena (in gand: pizda aia) ta iti trebuie cartea?"

to make things straight, my cousin's father died and grandma. 30

hours one from each other.

so... the book is for her. he said he remembered that I study

geology. oh BOLLOCKS! I don't know who the fuck he asked,

anyways now I have to help that bloody cunt. and I have to be

nice to her. I don't think I'll be, though. in the end how could I?

I loved grandma and uncle and she (she even brought a friend

at the funeral) laughed to my face. my father ( my dad and uncle

were brothers). dammit! I could chop her head off! I'm so fucking


I dig violence. it's self destructive...

24 noiembrie 2008

bollocks bullshit bollocks

I never really got fake people. I mean, why? if you don't

like something or someone, you don't really have to tell

them, just ignore them. anything like so, just don't act

like you care just for the sake of you so called "good image"

chestia asta ma duce in trecut cand am iesit eu cu niste

oameni noi. presupusi *prieteni* de-ai mei. si deci am mers

intr-un bar. eram eu si inca doua fete printre multi baieti.

ele doua se cunosteau, really strong bff's! I knew one broad.

the other I didn't so let's call her X.

they were opposite the place I was sitting. they begun talking

and gossiping about Lord knows what. I told meself "girls do

that" till they looked at me and smiled and talked some more.

I can't say I was disturbed, oh no no. it's just that I thought I

am not going to try to have a convo with her (or the other gal)

just for the sake of my guy (as all those ppl were my guy's friends).

what pissed me is that at the end of the night, they all have this

habit of kissing on the cheeks. after X kissed my bf (yes yes

I did feel the urge to smack her in the face) she smiled at me

said oh "hai si pe tine". am vrut sa-i zic shove it really deep

inside where the sun don't ever shine. dar trebuia sa fiu

politicoasa. am stat acolo ca o statuie neimpresionata.

I don't know about you, but I see enough of fake people

all around the place. I don't really need such individuals

along my side.

12 noiembrie 2008

I could love you but I rather fuck you

why bother sharing feelings with someone when it's

easier not to?!

I had this conversation with my dearest friend.

we shall call me friend, Friendy. so, Friendy and I talked

about relationships, good or bad ones. how some can simply

kill you or better yet, give you wings.

as we talked, we realized that its so so much easier to have

people you are friends with and people you do it with.

I just have to add that the easy way is not always the best way!

11 noiembrie 2008

da, sunt pe p*la mea

that is the perfect state to be.

I've experienced lots of behaviors towards me or

other people lately. must I say that people are big

fuck ups? always asking for better, for more...

I don't know. best thing is not to fight it, just take

it as it comes. don't think about it, don't judge it,

just go with it. you don't have to accept or agree.

when there are no feelings, the world is at your feet!

20 octombrie 2008

no one! is different

not even fuckin one is! everyone's

the same shit, wrapped in a different color.

little girl, little boy, yes... all you innocent creatures,

no one gives a shit about you. everyone wants

to be happy and there for will step on anything and

anyone just to be happy. you can't blame them,

that's for sure.

taking shit from people sure won't make you

be more loved by the ones that you wish they

would. in the end, no one can make you happy

except yourself. when you are truly happy, you

got there by doing things yourself.

e.g: *you* finished a very complicated painting.

never have expectations, they only fuck with

your brain. having expectations is so bloody

wrong, cause that is one of the ways you can

get disillusioned. hardcore style.

when people have knowledge, they have power,

there for they have the power to choose.

a good choice will lead you on great paths,

but purposely closing your eyes, now that's

what I call stupid!

if all people were mentally slow/stupid

they would be happy and pleased with

everything in their life.

I hate people. every single one of them.

9 octombrie 2008

da, bine...

I just really bloody adore people that say one

thing but then change their minds without sharing

their thoughts, that actually involve and can

disturb others. yes, you are right. when I say

'others' I do refer to me person.

anyways, let us not be gay and whine about it.

I might be called or even judged un-tolerant (is that

even a word?o.O) but when you keep on facing

such bolloks, I believe that at one point you can't or won't

take it ANYMORE!

17 septembrie 2008

up yours!

nu pricep de ce se tot agita idiotii care isi fac

cumparaturile in magazinele mare, cu carucioare.

la casa, se tot imping cu carucioarele in clientul

din fata lor. da da si mie mi s-a intamplat. and well,

the thing is that it pissed me the fuck off! asa ca i-am zis

fraierului cu pricina ca o sa-i aplic o corectie corporal apoi.

da da i-am aratat si semnul international...fuckerhead

16 septembrie 2008

oh I'm sorry, was my back standing in the way of your knife?

no good deed goes unpunished. that is a fucking fact
that I didn't need to experience once more, for the
bloody trillion time.
it's not that I'm just fucking pissed, but am starting to
give a toss not.

when you really really try, you get shit. from those ones
that should not whatsoever do such thing.

so excuse me if I poured my heart out and you stabbed it.

9 septembrie 2008

always and forever the wrong people?

my dear diana I have no idea. perhaps it will go
on forever ( I get that feeling right now) perhaps

you'll get tired of everything and stop giving
a toss and do whatever's right for you, without

caring for anyone else. if they hurt, that's that...
why should you be unhappy just for the sake of

someone that in the end leaves?
here's something for your support:

Hold up
Hold on
Don't be scared,
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile, (may your smile)
Shine on, (shine on)
Don't be scared, (don't be scared)
Your destiny may keep you warm,

'Cause all of the stars,
Have faded away
Just try not to worry,
You'll see them someday,
Take what you need,
And be on your way and
Stop crying your heart out

8 septembrie 2008

believe in nothing

when family get together it's always hard to shut up. there will
always be someone that will get on your nerves. I know I should
ignore them, I *know* I should not listen, I *know* I shouldn't care.

I know... but what if it doesn't feel right?! what do I do then?

24 iulie 2008

I suppose telling you to fuck yourself wouldn't be professional...

that goes to almost all me university professors. up yours cunts!

21 iunie 2008

"what" ain't no country I ever heard of

I'd like to believe that not quite everyone has a price.
I had the unpleasant chance to talk with one of me best friends. he amazed me when he said
"everyone has a price". I couldn't agree much so we started arguing. perhaps, we all have a price. it just
depends on how you like to live your life: fight for nothing and trying
to live on knowing that you did something rather wrong
just to achieve the one thing you desire most at that moment.
or realize that everything that you actually and truly want can
be achieved with hard work.

I say it depends on how much you respect yourself as a person,
as a human and spiritual presence. the short way does not mean
the better way.

1 iunie 2008

abuse drugs

I hate these days. I can't breathe from the bloody pressure
on me chest... I try to let go but still it fucks with me head.

13 mai 2008


mie nu-mi plac caps-urile, insa postul asta cere!

azi, 13 mai, trebuia Chuck Schuldiner sa-si serbeze ziua de nastere. insa cum a
trecut in nefiinta... dar mie imi place sa-i serbez ziua, viata si munca. he is me hero!

forever in me heart you shall remain!

29 aprilie 2008

wasted is the perfect state to be

aren't you tired of bollocks? so i drink, to be confused and care not.

viva la scotch whiskey!

28 aprilie 2008

how would you like to suck my balls?!

Sarbatori de Pasti Fericite!

nu imi doream sa am un astfel de post in aceasta zi
sfanta insa circumstantele astea...

deci m-am saturat sa am discutii cu diverse persoane
care afirma ca tipele-s curve. pana la urma, daca am consulta
dictionarul explicativ al limbii si literaturii Romane am afla
urmatoarele: CURVA, curve, s.f. 1.(Pop.) femeie care duce o viata
desfranata. Prostituata. atunci sa mergem la cuvantul prostituata.
PROSTITUATA, femeie care practica prostitutia.
PROSTITUTIe, fapta (infractionala) comisa de femeia care practica
relatii sexuale cu diverse persoane pentru a-si procura mijloacele de

deci ca sa numesti pe cineva curva tre' sa stii sigura ca se fute pe bani.
asa ca hai sa nu mai aruncam cuvinte anapoda numa ase, de frunza verde
lapte acru... sa ne aflam in treaba.

asa pot zice si eu all men are sissy girls. all of them! sunt mari barfitori,
se asteapta ca fetele
sa ii asculte cand au probleme, dar cand o fata vrea sa vorbeasca cu un tip
despre ceva probleme repede the sissy girl se simte sufocat. ei pot
sa comenteze
cum ca tipa nu a fost buna in pat dar daca o tipa ii zice 'i want me share'
el repede
zice ca-i curva. ei pot sa ceara tipelor sa-si puna silicoane, dar daca tipele
le zic
ca o au mica atunci automat se simt tradati si o fac pe tipa ipocrita si cate
si mai cate. they can't even stand their ground...

n-aveti decat sa muriti toti in bezna. decat cu astfel de wannabe masculi,
mai bine
de fel. sincer. un ratalau o zis ca tipele din Kittie is niste tipe frustrate
deci daca alea nu fut mai mult decat fute el in 20 de ani, nu stiu zoia...
doar de ce o zis asa despre ele? pt ca ele chiar stiu sa cante metal pe cand
el e intr-o trupa de ceva alternativ/love rock/sissy music. se simte amenintat
de astfel de tipe. de tipe cu atitudine.

dragii mei, fericirea omului nu consta in actul sexual. e mai presus de
tot bollocks-ul asta
pamantesc. mai presus de materie. insa majoritatea lumii e atat de
prinsa in their fucking
bubble cu prejudicii si etichete gata sa fie aruncate in fruntea oricarui
om incat nu au cum
sa vada, sa auda, sa simta fericirea adevarata. cum te astepti sa iubesti
cand nu-ti iubesti sinele?

toata lumea are asteptari dar fara ca ei sa dea ceva inapoi. lumea vrea
sa fie libera dar la randul ei sa sufoce pe altii. vor sa castige bani fara
sa lucreze. vor sa locuiasca intr-o casa fara sa plateasca intretinerea.

chiar si la Inviere se impingea lumea sa ia Pasti. si va numiti civilizati?!

18 aprilie 2008

I have an evil plan and I'm not afraid to use it

eu sunt de acord ca atunci cand ti se face rau trebuie sa
raspunzi cu bine. pt ca, asa e Universul asta... nu stiu cum
face dar daca ti s-a facut rau si tu nu faci rau inapoi, o sa
fi rasplatit. dar cateodata gandul asta nu te cam incalzeste,
aşe-i? cateodata iti vine efectiv to come up with an evil plan
and teach that motherfu*ker a lesson.

ioi, daca m-ar auzi acuma mentorul meu, he would bitchslap me
so hard...

hanyways, i say don't take shit from anyone!