24 noiembrie 2009

500 days of summer

I saw the movie. it's not a chick flick and not a cheesy story.

it actually opened my eyes towards some things and yet again

made me sad somehow.

is there true love, like int he movies? should I believe there is?

somewhere, waiting for me? cause I loved but my ending was so far

from a fairytale ending.

that's why you feel bad for a character, when you see it suffer, cause

neither in a movie or a fairytale there are no bad characteristics about

the characters. can't they show the truth? he was great looking, but an

aliterate bastard? she was so neat but her fingers were always dirty?

he said he loved her, but he called his exgirlfriend at 4 a.m to ask her to

go out for a pint.

so, even tho Tom found happiness and re-started believing in true love

that lasts forever and there are no mistakes in a relataionship, I can't really

believe it.

21 noiembrie 2009

tu pizda, eu iti rup gura!

I am a proud 'parent' of two dwarf hamsters and a guinea pig.

they are adorable! just adorable! I love them too much to be true.

well, the thing is that I love animals so much more than people, but

that's a different story.

last weekend I went with 3 people to a hut. another two came after

wards. one of the girls claimed, all of the sudden that all rodents are

the same. that rats, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs are all the same.

she was talking about how disgusting they are and filthy.

me "you are a complete ignorant if you claim such absurd things

(*in my mind* you fucking fucktard!)"

she "I am not. I don;t care, they are all the same. rodents are all

the same. all of the"

me "so well, if they're the same, that means that you, a gipsy and

a prostitute are the same shit, right?"

now, I am looked upon as the tyrant, as the mean bitch that likes to

make people feel bad. well NEWS FLASH! you don't trash my pets

without dealing with the consequences, you cunt! and worst than that,

is that people are actually expecting me to apologize! to apologize! me!


she knew what pets I have but she kept on insulting not only my pets

but all rodents. so why should I feel sorry if she's the retard that can't

listen to calm words, but when she's insulted she feels so harmed?

fraiera dracului...